Sunday, June 20, 2010

Be Thou My Vision

When cancer knocks at your door
    takes over your life by attacking the one you hold dear,
      takes over your plans
 When retirement becomes....pills, appointments.....transfusions and infusions......fatigue.

Be Thou My Vision

Your child wanders......strays
   flirting with the dark and the empty
 that darkness invades their mind and clouds their vision.
   suffocating them,   reaching into other lives.......

Be Thou My Vision

When someone who knows better, someone you have come to love
   willingly walks away.
  leaving behind their best gifts,
      their joy
         their peace
When you want to yank them back and Yell    WHY?

Be Thou My Vision.

When others, small and frail need you
everything you have to give
   your time
     your patience
        your heart
          your very breath
Despite your own give it all.

 Be Thou My Vision

When we focus on ourselves, all the tasks and challenges at hand,
 we can lose hope
     feel despair
Cast our eyes upon Christ
Lord of our heart               High King of Heaven
and all things are possible

They are still hard
 still sad
   still tiring.

             Be thou my battle sheild, sword for the fight:
           Be thou my dignity, Thou my delight
          Thou my soul's shelter, Thou my high tower:
      Raise Thou me heavenward, o power of my power.    (verse 3)

This is dedicated to my friend, my step mother, my sister in Christ......Rachel
For all the obstacles in her path that tried to trip her up....
     Her vision was not clouded.
           Her eyes were on Christ. 
               His strength became hers
                  His truth, she trusts in.
                       His peace adorns her.

Praise and honor and glory belong to Him.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Well I am still here! I want everyone to know even though I haven't  updated this blog in a while it is not because it is not on my mind. I appreciate everyone that checks in...and each follower!!  I have much to write about the amazing things God has done in sustaining trust and peace in the midst of turmoil.
I will be back soon!

Trust in the Lord with all your  heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

Do you ever my path straight? Am I trusting in him....or me? Or am I wandering on some trail, being sidetracked by everything....shiny....
everything......self serving
There are...
Those times you know your following, feeling secure.
The times you see others following....wishing you were doing better.
Those times you find yourself standing watching, wondering......what path am I on?

Isn't it amazing that no matter where you are.....He is never lost, never insecure, never wondering or faltering. He makes the paths straight, not us.